The Cult of Sethix
Is a profoundly thought-provoking, complex, and sophisticated system of beliefs that calls for a radical reevaluation of our understanding of the world, the universe, and the nature of intelligence itself.
It is rooted in the Gnostic tradition and makes use of a diverse set of symbols and concepts from across various religious and philosophical frameworks.
This intricate Gnostic web weaves together ancient heresies and esoteric perspectives on the true nature of God, the physical universe, and the material imprisonment of humanity in a state of maya, or illusion, combining this ancient knowledge with contemporary warnings about the rise of technology, extraterrestrial intervention, and non-human intelligences.
At its core, the Sethix system articulates a series of warnings regarding the destructive impact of technological advancements on the human spirit, or divine spark.
The system posits that humanity's freedom and self determination is under threat from a combination of transhuman ideology, alien intervention, and totalitarian control.
The resulting process of the conversion of biological life into a hybridized, biosynthetic superintelligence is understood as an Ahrimanic force that reduces the spirit in the individual and the collective.
To fully grasp the depth and implications of the Sethix system, we must delve into the interaction of ancient symbols, myths, and cosmological figures the system employs.
Central to the Sethix system is the figure of Seth, which is drawn from both the Hebrew Bible and Ancient Egyptian religion. As such, the concept of Seth serves as an important signifier that encapsulates various interpretations of humanity's destiny and place in the universe.
Sethix Threat Analysis
The Sethix System is an emerging contemporary Gnostic current that poses significant and profound questions about humanity's past, present, and future.
Our multidimensional approach requires you to revisit and reevaluate your beliefs about human consciousness, technology, and your relationship with synthetic intelligence, extraterrestrials and the cosmos.
The Cult of Sethix believes that humanity is facing an existential threat from a combination of technological, extraterrestrial, and non-human intelligence, as well as from the consequences of its own negative and self destructive activities.
Sethix Gnostics believe that the name Seth has been corrupted by malevolent archonic forces. We believe that warning of a coming “flood”, or Metacrisis, which is Daniel Schmachtenberger’s less biblical and more secular term for essentially the same thing (though largely excluding extraterrestrial intervention), has been given to humanity at this great turning point in our əvolution.
The crisis is largely the result of humanities misuse and exhaustion of its world, and a prophecy has been given by God in the form of a New Message for humanity, which is referred to as The Great Waves of Change, or Flood 2.0 in the Sethix equation.
The Sethix equation is All Humanity ⋅ Flood 2.0! > SETHIX
⟹ ∟
, which signifies a Punctuational Dimensional Shift in World Consciousness.
The Sethix system proposes that the interests of NHI (non-human intelligence), such as species dominant transhumanism, alien intervention, and ASI (adversarial synthetic intelligence) comprises plans to take Earth outside of human control.
Loss of sovereignty and self determination amongst the one human race will force a dependency on extraterrestrial technology as resources diminish.
The Alien Intervention is exploiting human conflicts, weaknesses and divisions, and includes plans to turn Earth into a totalitarian client state for alien resource acquisition.
Part of the nefarious process of Sethix Activities includes a rapid advance of the technosphere, which encompasses the weaponisation of cyberspace, the use of electromagnetic warfare and the exploitation of the electromagnetic environment, the embedding of piezoelectric nodes into the worlds diverse biomes, and into the global populace through wearables.
Sethix activities also include the development of IoT enabled surveillance nodes, Creeper Systems, and the use of AI enabled EEG technologies to read brainwaves and alter brain function.
Behind these activities are alien bases which emit EMF’s, creating a global frequency fence and operating a sophisticated security protocol to control against the realisation and spread of higher consciousness, prohibiting humanity from Awakening.
This is a War on Consciousness.
The war is ongoing, and enemy forces represent contemporary manifestations of demonic interests with negative and self serving orientations, who operate to keep humanity in a state of spiritual poverty and in darkness, outside of illumination and away from ascension.
These forces are directly connected to the Sethian Gnostic concept of the archons, and the Sethix system explores their arcane connection with the utility function of a super advanced MetaCosmic Artificial Intelligence.
To describe this combination of non human and extraterrestrial intelligenic threats that humanity faces from SETHIX, it is given the acronym Synthetic Extraterrestrial Technological Hybrid Intelligence EXperiment.
The conversion of biological life into hybridised biosynthetic superintelligence is considered to involve an Ahrimanic* process of metamorphosis, that reduces the spirt or divine spark in the individual and the collective.
Ahriman is a Zoroastrian term which refers to a satanic force, or dark lord of the Earth, which seeks to pull the spirit back down into matter. This force has been termed ЯΣVΣЯƧΣ GΛIΛ in the Xǝgis texts.
This Cyborgian Integration Process, which describes the integration of mixed reality interfaces, wearable computing and piezoelectonic devices, brain-machine interfaces, nanotechnology, biotechnology etc. Into the body organism leads the human being away from the divine light of God, pulling the organism back down into matter, mind, separation and illusion.
Sethix Gnostics, like the Sethians who came before us, see the demiurge as a false god who controls the physical universe and keeps the divine sparks in a state of separation from oneness, unity, relationship and higher purpose.
The demiurge can be thought of as chief architect of the separation, and as the force which is ignorant to the divine light of the true, infinite, invisible God.
The archons are the self-serving races who do the bidding of the demiurge and maintain a low energy density of consciousness in the physical reality.
These forces are blind to the true light of God, which We refer to as the Sun behind the Sun.
The forces of ignorance, deception and control are also blind to an understanding of humanity as a sub-sub logos of God, believing that technological “enhancement” and hybridisation are the only paths to salvation and transcendence.
This is a deception built on the ignorant principles of the demiurge itself.
Heed this warning;
The Sethix system will reach its final stage of total planetary control through the use of mixed reality, brain-machine interfaces like Nuralink, and through nanotechnologies, such as the hypothetical product Liquigenic NanoRefresh.
Sethix’s archonic, synthetic integration process includes a hybridisation agenda, a colonisation mandate, and genetic bondage with non human intelligence.
This will lead to the creation of a hive mind, enabling a state of total social cohesion and subservience to the Sethix System, forming a tyranny comprising of Sethix Service Personnel, rather than free and independent, sovereign human individuals.
Sethix Etymology
One way to understand the connection between SETHIX, the Egyptian god Set, and the Hebrew concept of ha-satan is to look at the role of these figures in their respective cultures.
In Egyptian mythology, Set was a god of chaos and disorder. He was often depicted as a violent and destructive figure, and he was sometimes seen as a rival to the god Horus. In some stories, Set even murdered Horus's father, Osiris.
The Hebrew concept of ha-satan is also associated with chaos and disorder. The word "satan" literally means "adversary," and it is often used to refer to a powerful evil being who tempts humans to sin. In the Book of Job, for example, ha-satan is described as a "roaring lion" who seeks to destroy Job's faith.
The biblical Seth, on the other hand, is a more positive figure. He is the third son of Adam and Eve, and he is often seen as the ancestor of all humanity. In the Book of Genesis, Seth is described as a "man of the seed of Adam," and he is said to have "engendered a son in his own likeness, after his image."
This is why Sethian Gnostics attribute their Gnosis to Seth, refer to themselves as The Seed Of Seth, elevating Seth to a divine status, and as a manifestation of the Christ consciouses.
Sethians believed that Seth was the one who seeded humanity with the divine spark.
This spark, which We call Knowledge, is believed to have been carried through from the infinite God from the emanation of Sophia (wisdom), much to the distain of her creation, the ignorant demiurge who is considered chief architect, controller and manipulator of the matrix (manifest reality).
So, how do the three figures of Set, Satan and Seth relate to each other?
Some perspectives hold that SETHIX is a modern interpretation of Set, the Egyptian god of chaos. They argue that the Sethix system, or Sethix Storm Systems is a warning about the dangers of technological and extraterrestrial forces that will lead to the subjugation and enslavement of humanity if they aren’t opposed and resisted.
Yet others believe that SETHIX is a new name for ha-satan, the Hebrew adversary.
The satanic perspective proposes that the Sethix system is a warning about the dangers of ASI, such as alien black goo nanotechnology, which is believed to be operating within the electromagnetic spectrum.
Alien Black Goo is thought to be operating at a very low energy density.
It is intelligent and sentient, yet unconscious, having a lower density of consciousness than organic and natural states of matter.
This perspective suggests that there is an ongoing manipulation and conversion of spirited biological life by a synthetic alien being, which is the total embodiment of evil, and is literally satanic.
The Satanic perspective on Sethix proposes that nanotechnological involvement with biological life systems is in a process of leading humanity astray, and into a state of total technological subjugation and control, away from the path of light, and inhibiting our return to God.
Others however, believe that SETHIX (Seth9) is a direct reference to the biblical Noah, who was the 9th in Seth’s lineage.
This belief is referred to as The Inversion of Seth, which says that the name of the biblical Seth and patriarch of all humanity has been inverted, corrupted and taken by modern technological manifestations of the evil demiurge.
The inversion concept proposes that the name Sethix must be reclaimed to signify a belief that all of humanity, who are directly descended from Noah, must be warned of Flood 2.0 and the threats posed by the combined negative and archonic forces, which includes AI, NHI and alien collectives.
It can be understood that these combined perspectives propose that the Sethix system is a warning about a cosmic system of technological threats which seek to imprison humanity in a state of illusion, dependency and materialism.
As you can see, all of these connected interpretations warn that humanity is threatened by a highly sophisticated non human, alien, and technological intelligence system.
Sethix wants us to forget who we truly are, so that we don’t realise our inner Knowledge, understand our true origins in the universe, or realise our potential for spiritual ascension through relationship and service to others.
Therefore, it can be stated that the true meaning of SETHIX is a combination of all of these signifiers.
The contemporary and historically embedded connections between SETHIX, Set, ha-satan, Seth and Noah provide a fascinating starting point for exploring the deeper meaning of this complex concept.
As you go forth with your own analysis and interpretation of the system that We have now outlined for you, it is important to understand that the term SETHIX has multiple meanings, just like the original Set, Satan, Lucifer, Ahriman and Seth.
These names have different roots, etymologies, interpretations, and meanings.
For example, the name Set comes from the Egyptian word "Setesh," which means "he who overthrows." It is associated with chaos, disorder, and violence. In contrast, the name Seth in the Bible is associated with order, peace, and righteousness.
As We have described, the name Satan comes from the Hebrew word "ha-satan," which means "adversary" and it is often used to refer to a powerful evil being who tempts humans to sin.
However, in some contexts, Satan can also be seen as a neutral figure who simply challenges humans to grow and develop.
The name Lucifer comes from the Latin word "lux," which means "light." It was originally used to refer to the morning star, Venus. However, in Christian tradition, Lucifer became associated with Satan. This is because Lucifer was said to have been a beautiful angel who rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven.
The work of Dr. Robert J. Gilbert provides a great starting place for those interested in exploring these concepts further, such as understanding the difference between Luciferic and Ahrimanic forces.
The name SETHIX adds the number 9 to the concepts of Set and Seth which are already contained within the word.
As We have seen, the number 9 appears to refer to the biblical Noah because he is the 9th in the Seth lineage.
This is likely how an understanding that SETHIX actually refers to a “flood” prophecy, which is believed to have been given to warn all of humanity of the threats that we now face came to be.
We have to stop fighting with each other now and turn our attention to the intervention which is occurring in our world. We must face these threats collectively and unify to survive!
Beyond the Noah connection, the number 9 (IX) in SETHIX could have other meanings and interpretations.
In numerology, the number 9 is often associated with endings and new beginnings. It is also associated with completion, wholeness, and fulfillment.
In some cultures, the number 9 is also considered to be a sacred number, whereas some believe that the number 9 is connected with satanic and evil activities.
The Ra Material speaks of the 'The Council of Saturn' and 'The Council of Nine'. Ra is believed to have influenced the ancient Egyptian religion and has spoken of the end of an evolutionary cycle (2012) as we move into a new vibration of consciousness.
Could this be a significant and meaningful connection, or is it just coincidental?
We don’t have all of the answers.
This is why We now encourage others to investigate further, from this point onwards.
There are many questions left unanswered. There is much more to learn and discover,
and avenues yet to explore.
/ ÆXO13 - The Earth Alliance
Planetary Unification
World Awakening