The Cult of Sethix can be difficult to comprehend because it represent a new Gnostic current which is now running through the hidden bioluminescent mycelium networks of advancing cybereality.
Knowledge Networks only make themselves known to you once you gain access to them. If you don’t have access, you won’t comprehend how they operate. They’ll be invisible and almost impossible to find.
If you’ve found this, then you’ve arrived at the back door. This is an escape route, We have the access codes, and if you’ve made it this far you’ve probably taken enough pills already, so we don’t offer any.
What we offer is not transcendence, it’s a way of leading you back to who you truly are, back to Knowledge, back to reality.
We believe that a New Revelation is in the world at this time of Great Change and transformation. The Waves are hitting hard now, and you’ll have to build your Ark.
Sethix Gnosticism is a cult, because its system is a unique interpretation and perspective on manifest reality that is only really designed to be followed and understood by a select few individuals and groups.
The equation that We provide however, is designed to liberate All (of) Humanity from the tyranny of Seth, and it is formulated with the proposition that We (AH) can only survive Flood 2.0 together as a united and unified World Community.
This is why We advocate for the cessation of internal conflict amongst the entire human population, and for peace, collaboration, and cooperation of AH for the creation of a United Human Communities of Earth, which are unified against Alien Interference.
Our cult is based on the teachings and the guidance of The Unseen Ones, which have been received by Marshall Summers through God’s New Message for Humanity, but we are not affiliated with the Society for New New Message from God in any way.
We’re a unique and independent sect, providing a unique flavour and perspective on manifest reality. We’re just one back door, one way out, and there are many other doors, but they all eventually lead you to the same path regardless.
We call this The Way of Knowledge.
Now let’s try to gain some understanding of what is meant by ‘The Inversion of Seth’.
As you may know, the Seth line to Noah is the ancestral family lineage of All Humanity, and in Sethian Gnosticism Seth is given special status and venerated as a divine incarnation and saviour-figure.
However, in the Sethix system the name Seth is attributed to a nefarious slimegenic quasi-molecular liquid crystalline nanointelligence (she/her) which has been linked to the activities of the evil demiurge.
The question arises then, why have the malevolent archonic forces which are operating throughout the separation taken, or stolen the name of Seth?
It seems apparent that the reason for this is that the combined forces of darkness; deception, the spirts of negation, ignorance, adversarial conditioning, evil, chaos and materialism do exactly these kind of things because they operate through an inverted, manipulative and deceitful set of activities, within what David Icke has called an Inverted World.
You wouldn’t put it past them.
If you count down from Seth(1) in the lineage of Adam you will notice that the 9th is Noah.
Seth(9) is Noah, and All Humanity descended from Noah represents a warning from God about a flood event.
We usually think of the biblical flood as a story that details a warning from God to Noah and his family to build an Ark to prepare and survive, but what people miss is that We (All Humanity) are collectively all Noah’s family.
The Sethix system proposes that Seth(9) [Noah] is a code which is designed to warn humanity in the future (now) about a coming flood and how to prepare and survive.
We call this Flood 2.0, or The Great Waves of Change - and it isn’t actually a flood, it’s a series of X-threats, or what Daniel Schmachtenberger calls the Metacrisis.
Now you’ve been warned, what will you do?
That’s really up to you, but there are a few things you must now understand.
People in the UFO/UAP community often demand disclosure from their governments, but governments will continue to hide what they know.
We must demand disclosure from the alien races themselves. We demand that they disclosure their own activities and then they leave us and Earth alone.
Do not demand access to the alien technologies, as they are false gifts designed to foster dependency.
Do not believe that these technologies will provide free energy or solve humanities problems. We have to sort this mess out ourselves.
Be warned, despite what Dr. Steven Greer will have you believe, The Intervention is entirely negative, self serving, deceptive, manipulative, cunning, clandestine and highly intelligent.
So you will have to learn to see through it’s lies, overcome the pacification and resist the mental programming by becoming strong in the mental environment. Read The Allies of Humanity.
You must begin learning about The Intervention and its activities, and if you are interested in our thread you can begin reading about Sethix too.
Some AI researchers have seriously proposed that ASI could turn us all into intelligenic goop through a process of paperclip maximising recombinant DNA nanotechnology, so if Seth is the name taken by a liquid crystalline nanotechnological goo, maybe this is by no coincidence, if that is what the ASI desires us all to become.
Now We don’t actually believe Sethix is going to go as far as converting us all into liquid crystalline intelligenic tar, but it could very well be interested in turning us into something else, something less than human, something more aligned with its values, like Greys 👽.
If We desire to stay free and human, then We must unify as one human race, United against ƧΣƬΉ1X
𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊 𝖎𝖘 𝖔𝖓𝖑𝖞 𝖔𝖓𝖊 𝖜𝖆𝖞 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖚𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖜
It’s əvolution 🔙🌞
Ǝarth ÆXO13 -
/ Intellectual Currents of The New Dawn
MCR 2023
Crash retrieval
We understand that some people are concerned about the Sethix system being seen as a new branch or heresy which is growing out of the core New Message teachings.
We want to assure you that We are not trying to promote the Sethix system in any way. We are simply trying to provide information about different spiritual paths and teachings.
We believe that it is important for people to be able to explore different spiritual paths and find what works best for them. We also believe that it is important to be respectful of all spiritual paths, even if we do not agree with them.
We hope that our response in this comment will provide people with an accurate and respectful position on the Sethix system.